सहनौ भुनक्तु
May We Nourish all
with health and happiness through yoga
Yoga Bharati is a non-profit, 501 c(3) organization with a vision of enhancing Health, Happiness, Knowledge, & Peace in life through a holistic approach to yoga. We are a yoga education institution offering Yoga Teacher’s Training and Yoga Therapy course.
Our Vision
May we nourish all with health and happiness through holistic Yoga!
Our Mission
To serve the community by bringing holistic authentic and evidence based Yoga through:
Offering affordable classes and workshops to support a healthy lifestyle.
Offering training courses backed by evidence-based yoga techniques.
Promoting yoga and its positive benefits through community engagement.
We conduct yoga classes, workshops, retreats, and programs to create awareness about yoga, its philosophy, and its relevance to humanity. We aim to build a team of motivated volunteers to achieve our mission and vision. We engage learned Yoga Gurus and Masters in providing world-class yoga education, discourses, camps, and workshops.
A famous Subhashita (wise saying) in Sanskrit goes:
अन्नदानं परं दानं विद्यादानम् अतः परम् ।
अन्नेन क्षणिका तृप्तिः यावज्जीवं च विद्यया ॥
Donating food is considered a great charity. However, offering knowledge is supreme charity because offering food gives short-term help, but giving knowledge helps them for life.
Yoga Bharati serves the community by offering that knowledge with which one can attain all other knowledge. When one learns concentration, focus, and tranquility, such a person can quickly learn anything and become competent. As it is said, Yoga is the art of working with ease (yogah karmasu kaushalam). Then alone, competence can be achieved.
At Yoga Bharati, we follow the principles of Ashtanga Yoga by Sage Patanjali, a brilliant thinker and author who lived around 250 BCE and Swami Vivekananda, a man of great magnetism who worked both in India and America during the late part of the 19th century.
Patanjali, the father of yoga, suggested Ashtanga Yoga, an eight limbed approach that gives a comprehensive and systematic approach for developing the mind to achieve full potential. This approach includes Yama (guidelines for ethical relationships), Niyama (guidelines for ethical personal living), Asana (postures), Pranayama (controlled and deliberate breathing patterns), Prathyahara (withdrawal of mind from distractions), Dhyana (focus of the mind upon goal), dharana (the expansion of focused mind into everyday life) and samadhi (an establishment of balance and harmony in living). Through the practice of these principles, one may experience yoga--a connection with our true self. Read More about our Philosophy.
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Our Affiliates and Accreditations
Yoga Bharati has an MOU with VYASA in offering its yoga teachers training and other yoga courses. Yoga Bharati works with many organizations that are non-profit or social entrepreneurs in the area of Yoga philosophy and practice and in providing complementary and alternative health care.
Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation (VYASA)
Yoga Bharati is affiliated with Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation (VYASA) is a premier yoga university in Bengaluru, India with over 30 years of research background working to make yoga as a socially relevant science, based on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda — the four streams of Yoga with unity in their diversity. VYASA aims to bring the applications of yoga to bring health, harmony, peace the world over are now spread across the globe in nearly 30 countries. The mission of VYASA is to combine the best of the East (yoga and spiritual lore) with that of the West (modern scientific research). VYASA is recognized as the deemed university by United Grants Commission (UGC) India.
S-VYASA (Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana) is the sister concern of VYASA. This is a Yoga University that offers academic higher education programs. It is also the First ISO 2001:2008 Certified Yoga University. For details visit: svyasa.edu.in
Know Our Team
Go to Our Team Page to know the people behind our two decades of service to the community through Yoga.
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Email: info@yogabhararti.org
Phone: 408-341-YOGA (9642)
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