Yoga for Pain
Take charge of your health today; Heal with yoga
“Chronic pain is not all about the body, and it’s not all about the brain – it’s everything. Target everything. Take back your life.”
-From Stanford’s Sean Mackey, MD, PhD from his lecture “Pain and the Brain”.
Scroll down for Upcoming Pain Workshop
Scroll down for Upcoming Pain Workshop 〰️
What is Chronic Pain?
Chronic Pain is the most common condition people experience. Chronic pain can result from injuries, accidents, chronic stress, arthritis, neurological conditions, cancer, and other health conditions. It can also result from treatments for conditions and diseases. Acute Pain can last a short time but chronic pain is when it last for months or years.
Pain management involves medications, exercises, and therapies such as Physical therapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic adjustments, and Yoga Therapy. One approach or a combination of several approaches can be used to effectively manage pain conditions.
Yoga for Pain - Our Yoga Therapy Program
Yogic Management of Pain conditions is a holistic approach to healing involving yoga practices and understanding yogic concepts. In this workshop, participants will explore yoga practices, such as asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing practices), along with the concept of Ashtanga yoga and the philosophy of yoga.
Our Yoga therapy for pain condition involves:
Holistic Health Intake and Orientation: We do extensive health assessment and also educate you about our yoga therapy program including the concepts of our holistic approach to yoga.
Private or Group yoga therapy: We offer private yoga sessions where needed and group yoga therapy online and in-person sessions in some areas. In a private setting, empower you towards group therapy sessions or general wellness yoga sessions as appropriate. We engage and empower you with appropriate techniques to help your condition and to suite your individual needs. How many sessions? We optimize your time and money spent with us. Depending on your condition, you may need anywhere from 5 sessions to over 10 sessions. Some of our therapy participants have spent years with us and have returned getting a huge relief from pain.
Home practice: We empower you with practices to be done at home on the days you are not attending yoga session and after you get discharged from our yoga therapy program
Private Follow-up evaluation and Discharge Instructions to ensure your needs are met, your concerns are addressed, and adjustments made to equip you with optimum practice techniques and concepts.
A yogic lifestyle promotes health and disease prevention, and we help you embrace it!
Yoga for Pain - Principles
Stimulation and Relaxation: The goal of every holistic therapy is to give you relief from your chronic pain by helping you relax your muscles. Yoga is a perfect tool to relax. With our holistic Yoga practice, you will stimulate your muscles so the relaxation is deeper and you develop awareness about your body. Relaxation using awareness is a far deeper and more lasting method of healing than external ways of relaxing your muscles.
Sankalpa – Wish without expectation: Yes, wishes are horses! When you sincerely include a positive wish and visualization of a pain-free body without the stress and anxiety of fighting the pain, you can start feeling better. Visualization of healing goes a long way.
Flexibility - Our yoga sessions aim to improve your flexibility of spinal muscles, hip, and hamstrings Stretching without stressful exercises helps you heal without causing further injury. Let the gravity do it, let the breath do it, Let it happen — this is our goal. Setubandhasana (bridge pose) with different modifications and awareness points helps with the glutes and stretches the core.
Strength - we focus on strengthening core, back, and gluteal muscles. Chaturanga Dandasana (plank pose), Bhujangasana (cobra), and Shalabhasana (locust pose) are some of the excellent poses for the back but make sure to modify them to suit your needs.
Yoga for Pain - Research
According to the CDC, Yoga studies and research on back pain management:
Yoga Bharati therapy offerings are based on 30 years of research in yoga and its application for various diseases
Yoga for Cancer - Our support.
Yoga Bharati stands strong in providing highly specialized yoga care to patients recovering from cancer and other chronic ailments. Ask us about our free yoga classes for seniors and cancer rehabilitation. For details, visit our Cancer Page.
Call us to set up an in-depth comprehensive yoga therapy consultation and yoga therapy sessions
@ 408-341-9642 (YOGA)
Our Chapter Locations
We offer our services online as well as in different chapter locations in the US. If you are located in the areas where we don’t have service, contact us to know how you can avail our online services to serve your needs.
Our Yoga Bharati SF Bay Area chapter is vibrant with multiple locations where yoga classes and courses are conducted. We have yoga for adults, children, women, and yoga teacher training, and yoga therapy training conducted in SF Bay Area, CA.
For details visit SF Bay Classes
We conduct yoga classes and courses in Dallas area. We have yoga for adults, children, women, and yoga teacher training, and yoga therapy training conducted in Plano and McKinney area.
For details, Visit Yoga classes at Dallas Page
We conduct yoga classes for adults and children in Austin Area. We also conduct yoga teacher training once a year in Austin Area.
For details, visit Austin Classes Page.
Our Yoga Bharati LA chapter offers yoga classes in Simi Valley Area. We have yoga for adults and children and we also conduct yoga teacher training once in a year.
For details, visit LA Yoga Classes Page.
We offer yoga classes in detroit area in some of the public locations like temples. We also conduct yoga teacher training.
For details, visit: Detroit Yoga Classes Page.
Yoga Bharati offers online classes as convenient for different time zones! We have a number of classes, for different groups such as adults classes, free senior classes, and prenatal classes online. Take these sessions from the convenience of your home to enhance your wellness quotient.
Visit Online Page for Details
Our Yoga Offerings - Adults and Kids
Our Approach of Yoga
Our approach to yoga is holistic and aligns with a 5000-year-old system of total wellness from ancient India. The yogic system was based on the core belief that a human being's natural state is one of optimal health and wellness.
When we reduce our disturbances in physical, mental, and emotional health, we function at our optimal potential. In our yoga classes, we emphasize breath awareness for sharper focus, loosening practices to prepare for yogasana, yoga poses for mind/body awareness, relaxation practices to let go of any stress and stagnations of the mind, and finally, pranayama/meditation for a deeper connection with oneself. Yoga enhances the quality of life, helps reduce weight & helps manage chronic conditions.
Yoga as a Holistic Practice
Our techniques aim at holistic health with breath awareness, loosening, asanas, pranayama, and relaxation techniques. They are effective in weight management, in balancing our metabolism, and stress management.
Stretch & Restore
Practicing asanas can provide deep stretch to the muscles and relieve muscle spasms due to stress, inactivity, or overuse. When the muscle fibers are lengthened, the overall strength improves. These practices help gym-goers, sports practitioners, and overworked individuals with muscle stiffness.
Breath Synchronized Movements
Gentle movements with breath synchronization rejuvenates the body, calms down the mind, and improves lung capacity. Excellent for Anxiety, Stress, and Asthma management.
Loosening & Dynamic Practices
Joint loosening practices give flexibility and strength to the small muscles & tendons that connect the joints. Fast-paced yoga techniques followed by deep relaxation remove lethargy and prepare the body for asanas.
Core Strength
Yoga practices stretch and strength core muscles & help strengthen the back. These asanas are for people with back, neck, and shoulder pains. These practices are for all levels and needs. Excellent for people who have jobs that require sitting all day.
Meditation and Relaxation
Our holistic yoga sessions end with relaxation and Meditation. They promote positive health of the body and mind, and help us connect to the deeper Self. These practices help build awareness, provide holistic healing and promote spiritual quotient. This is the ultimate goal of yoga.