Pranayama Yagna

Discover the Power of Breathing and Eating Right!

प्राणस्येदं वशे सर्वं त्रिदिवे यत्प्रतिष्ठितम् ।
मातेव पुत्रान्रक्शस्व श्रीश्च प्रज्ञां च विधेहि न इति ।।

O Prana, you govern the universe, As a mother protects her sons, protect me; give me affluence and intelligence.

Yagna means coming together to cheer one another, inspire each other in a positive activity !

Yoga Bharati celebrates Pranayama Yagna in April each year. Pranayama keeps the everyone healthy and forever young. Entry fee is just $20 for anyone to join and FREE for MEMBERS! Join Our Membership Program.

What does it involve?

Live or recorded pranayama sessions Daily! Diet Tips for your diet based cleansing and/or practicing balanced diet for 21 days.

Concluding Session: We conclude with a one hour pranayama session where we practice an indepth session in a group setting that brings peace and a wonderful sense of achievement! (online and in person in some areas). Details will be sent after you sign up.

Already a Member? Join FREE. Just Signup below

Steps of Pranayama Yagna

  • Daily 30 mins Pranayama

    Practice Pranayama with a live instructor every morning for 30 mins. Pranayama increases enery levels, lowers stress and anxiety, induces tranquility, and provides clarity of thought, and concentration.

    Practice with live instructor or to a fresh video sent daily.

  • 10 Day Diet Cleansing

    Ayurveda-based dietary cleansing aims to cleanse the digestive system, promote healthy gut bacteria, and enhance stamina and willpower. This cleansing diet fosters awareness of food and lifestyle choices, while also helping to desensitize food allergies and sensitivities

  • 11 days balanced diet

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.