Yoga for Anxiety and Stress
Take charge of your health today; Heal with yoga
Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope
-Indian Proverb (attributed to Kalidasa)
Upcoming Yoga for Anxiety & Depression
Upcoming Yoga for Anxiety & Depression 〰️
Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
What are Anxiety, Depression, and Stress?
Anxiety is characterized by intense feelings of fear, tension, and worry. Depression, on the other hand, is a negative emotional state that impacts one’s thoughts, feelings, and self-perception. While experiencing anxiety and depression can be normal responses to stress, it becomes a disorder when these feelings are excessive, persistent, and disrupt daily life.
According to the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) 2024 annual mental health poll, “43% of adults in the United States reported feeling more anxious than in the previous year," an increase from 37% in 2023 and 32% in 2022. Additionally, “more than half of adults with chronic pain experience anxiety and depression.”
What is Yoga Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, and Stress?
Yoga Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, and Stress combines traditional yoga practices with therapeutic techniques to promote mental and emotional well-being. Yoga therapy is a personalized approach that uses specific yoga techniques, including postures (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), meditation, and mindfulness, to address physical and psychological imbalances. It offers a holistic approach to managing anxiety, depression, and stress, emphasizing the mind-body connection and providing tools for self-regulation and resilience.
Yoga for Mental Health - Our Steps
Yoga therapy consultation & health assessment before you begin
Induction and orientation with yogic concepts.
Private therapy sessions to orient you with the concepts and provide appropriate techniques to help with your individual needs. How many sessions depends on your condition and physical and mental state of health.
Home practice material on the days you are not attending yoga session.
Free 3 month group yoga for eligible persons for FREE*
Free Private Follow-up assessments and orientation to ensure your needs are met, your concerns are addressed, and adjustments made to equip you with optimum practice techniques and concepts.
* Conditions apply and limited spots available.
Yoga for Anxiety - Principles
Yoga and Breath. - Breath based movements help you slow down your mind.
Yoga gives natural endorphins - Dynamic and fast practices remove lethargy and dull mood and increase endorphins in the body and to counter the inner speed of the mind.
Yoga and Seratonin- Fast rhythmic breathing such as kapalabhati and bhastrika help improve natural seratonin in the body when followed by restful breathing and meditation. Practices such as diaphragmatic breathing improve respiratory sinus arrhythmia, which increases parasympathetic tone.
Stabilize the body to stabilize the mind – Balancing postures and holding postures comfortably for a prolonged period helps build focus and balance of the mind. When practiced with gaze fixed, it silences visual mind.
Improve blood flow to the brain– Inversions improve blood flow to the head region and harmonizes autonomic nervous system. Shashankasana (child pose) and Makarasana (alligator pose) gives soothing relief to the brain.
Chanting single syllables replaces leads you to inner silence. Chantings such as Aum or any mantra repeatedly helps you silence the verbal chatter of your mind. People with OCDs conditions particularly benefit from chanting a mantra repeatedly (Japa).
Our therapy offerings are based on 30+ years of research in yoga and its application for various diseases.
Yoga for mental health conditions helps you:
Sleep and eat better
Improve self-confidence; reduce fear, worries, and lethargy
Improve quality of life and overall sense of wellbeing
Reduce dependency on medications and feel joyous
Build a sense of belonging and connection with others
Improve emotional regulation by managing your emotions and responding to stressors more effectively