Yoga for Cancer
Take charge of your health today; Heal with yoga
What is Cancer?
A condition in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue is cancer. It can occur in different parts of the body leading to different kinds of cancer. Some common reasons for its occurrence are:
Irregular diet
Tobacco usage
Alcohol consumption
Air pollution
Sedentary lifestyle
Harmful chemicals in the products
Most cancers when detected in early stages are fully curable. However, the process is not easy. Yoga Therapy builds you to overcome the inevitable, supporting you through the recovery.
In 2022, approximately 20 million cancer cases were newly diagnosed and 9.7 million people died from the disease worldwide. By 2050, the number of cancer cases is predicted to increase to 35 million based solely on projected population growth.
-American Cancer Society
Our Yoga for Cancer program involves:
Yoga therapy consultation & health assessment before you begin
Induction and orientation with yogic concepts
Private therapy sessions to orient you with the concepts and provide appropriate techniques to help with your individual needs. How many sessions depends on your condition and physical and mental state of health
Home practice material on the days you are not attending yoga sessions
Free 3 month group yoga for eligible persons for FREE*
Free Private follow-up assessments and orientation to ensure your needs are met, your concerns are addressed, and adjustments made to equip you with optimum practice techniques and concepts.
* Conditions apply and limited spots are available
What is Yoga Therapy for Cancer?
Our approach to yoga is a holistic one that resonates with ancient India's 5000-year-old system of total wellness. Yoga therapy combines yogic tools and techniques to suit your conditions and temperament for optimal relaxation and mindfulness, which is necessary for healing.
Pranayama can help improve lung capacity
Gentle poses help improve flexibility and strength
Helps individuals cope with the emotional challenges of cancer
Mindfulness practices can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
Holistic Yoga practice can alleviate pain associated with treatments and the disease itself
Classes provide emotional support and a sense of community, helping individuals feel less isolated
Role of Yoga in Cancer Care and Recovery
According to National Cancer Institute, yoga practices, breath-work, and meditation involved in yoga may help ease many ailments of those who practice. People with cancer often suffer from a host of symptoms and side effects such as depression, pain, nausea, fatigue, and many others.
Life style and psychosocial stresses are recognized to be contributors to disorders such as cancer, by a few researchers according to the psycho-neuroimmunological model for cancer. This has helped to create an awareness of the role of the mind-body relationship in the etiology and progression of cancer.
As mentioned in the Houston Chronicle:
“In the past 25 years, yoga has moved into cancer care guidelines, and it’s all based on evidence and clinical trials.”
Both the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and the American Society of Clinical Oncology recommend yoga as a way for cancer patients to address symptoms.
Complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) are gaining popularity amongst patients as an add-on to conventional medicine. Yoga is one of the CAM modalities that is being used by cancer patients today. Yoga has proved to be safe and useful in the management of cancer.
Research Reports show that yoga gives consistent positive results in management of symptoms and improving quality of life during and after cancer treatment such as chemo/radiation treatment.
Life style and psychosocial stresses are recognized to be contributors to disorders such as cancer, by a few researchers.
Cancer survivors who perform gentle yoga report they sleep better, feel less fatigued and enjoy a better quality of life, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center, where a 410-participant study was conducted. [Mustian et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2013 Sep 10;31(26):3233-41]
Yoga Bharati’s Therapy helps you:
Handle musculoskeletal pain and build strength gradually
Build awareness towards your diet and lifestyle to keep you active and healthy
Reduce dependency on medications and improve your quality of life
Build your immunity with the Pranayama practices
Improve your overall sense of well-being.
Our therapy offerings are based on 30+ years of research in yoga and its application for various diseases.
Yoga for Cancer - Our support.
Yoga Bharati stands strong in providing highly specialized yoga care to patients recovering from cancer and other chronic ailments. Ask us about our free yoga classes for seniors and cancer rehabilitation. For details, visit our Cancer Page.
Call us to set up an in-depth comprehensive yoga therapy consultation and yoga therapy sessions