BalaYogi Retreat -Sivananda Ashram 2019
We had a productive and fun time at Sivananda Ashram where the kids had an opportunity to live with all four paths of Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga.
We learned mantras such as Shanno Mitra Sham Varunaha, Sahana Vavatu.., Viduraneeti…, Sakshepa Ramayana.., Ekatmata mantra, Sarve Bhavantu, Ganesha mantra and many more
They got to know about the Ashram life and discipline.
They ate healthy fresh satvic meals, healthy sandwiches, fresh super sweet organic blueberries and apricots grown at the farm trees.
They played at the play area, with swings and hammocks.
They learnt the aspect of Karma yoga by helping the Ashram in cleaning and gardening.
They made Malas of 108 beads for meditation with materials provided by Ashram.
They swam in the pond with fishes and frogs!
They did Labyrinth walk, practiced yoga, meditation, and did Bhajans and Arti.

Yoga Retreat for Healthcare Providers
Yoga Bharati-Dallas hosted a transformative retreat at the idyllic Princeton, TX Ranch, marking a significant milestone in the confluence of Eastern yogic philosophy and Western medical science hosted Yoga Chapter. Retreat was offered for healthcare providers, yoga enthusiasts, and community leaders.
Dr. Sunil Ji, delivered the keynote address, that seamlessly wove together the ancient wisdom of yoga with the empirical rigor of modern medicine.
Dr. Dilip Sarkar offered an intimate glimpse into his transformation from a traditional medical practitioner to a fervent advocate of yoga therapy.
Dr. Sumana Gangi shared her compelling narrative of initially questioning the efficacy of yoga, only to become one of its staunch advocates through personal and professional exploration.
Dr. Anand Rohatgi discussed the challenges faced by the South Asian community regarding cardiac health,

Yoga-Yagna Suryathon 2023 - Report
This year started with our usual Yoga Yagna held in the US, followed by concluding events held online, and also in-person events in the Bay Area and Dallas, Texas. Traditionally, the concluding event is held after a month of intense yoga sessions taught by enthusiastic teachers. Over 200 people participated in the Yagna and over 100 people participated in the final day concluding event (online and in-person) in the combined SF Bay Area and Dallas events.

Mount Madonna Retreat 2022
Yoga Bharati's yoga students and yoga participants experienced an actual "retreat" on April 8 to 10, 2022 in Mount Madonna Center in the Bay Area where the popular Hanuman temple is located. This was a breath of fresh air after the onslaught of COVID and its lockdowns. The retreat was held at the serene Mount Madonna Center in Watsonville, California. Situated only an hour from the South Bay Area(Silicon Valley), Mount Madonna center is nestled amidst wondrous Redwood trees and houses the Sankat Mochan temple.

Yoga Yagna Winter 2022 - Report
As with every year, Yoga Bharati conducted Surya Namaskar Yagna for 21 days starting from Jan 14th 2022 to Feb 4th 2022. Enthusiasts from different time zones from the USA actively participated in this yagna to spread the joy of Yoga to the world.
Being a self-practice Surya Namaskar Yagna, YB wanted to ensure the safety of participants before the yagna began. Thus, online Surya Namaskar training sessions and practice sessions were conducted weekly every Saturday and Sunday from Jan 8th until the closing week, guiding them on how to progress while offering vinyasa sequences in the practices. Participants felt that they were gradually able to increase their stamina and strength in both body and mind through this yagna.

Back Pain Workshop 2021 - Report
17 participants signed up for the workshop. Of them 3 were men and 14 were women. 10 participants completed the entire pre and post assessments.
Practices related to relaxation and restoration were adopted for the first two weeks.
Then restoration and stretching practices were followed for the next two weeks
Strengthening practices were incorporated for the last two weeks
Pre and post health assessments had questions about their general lifestyle habits, sleep habits, stressors, pain areas and their pain levels.
Results: On average, Pain reduced by 54% . Consistent practice of yoga showed an overall improvement in the pain conditions, their sleep pattern, and an increase in lung capacity. The study can be expanded for a longer period of time to understand the longer benefits of this practice.

Stop Diabetes Movement 2021 - Report
This study is to observe the effects of yoga on the participants who have diabetes. SEWA, in the USA chapter, has been working in collaboration with Yoga Bharati to bring this opportunity free for interested people who want to take advantage of this workshop in understanding how yoga can help people with diabetes.
Diabetes Workshop Report: There were 11 participants in the workshop. Of them, 4 were men and 7 were women. 5 participants complete the pre-and post-assessments.
There was an overall improvement in the quality of life including reduction of weight, waist circumference, and in one case, even reduction in the blood pressure.

Annual Report 2020
Yoga Bharati has adapted to the unprecedented situation of Covid-19 with a quick response and continues to serve the community through holistic health support. We offer yoga at Summit Estate - A Drug Rehabilitation Center, Blind and Community Centers, Corporate Sectors apart from various offerings as given in the report below.
Our Workshops for 2020 - Keeping the Community Forever Young!
We conduct Deepen Yoga workshps to help our enthusiastic yoga practitioners to take yoga to the next level, both as a practice and as a philosophy and lifestyle.
We conduct Yoga Yagna twice and year in which people practice upto 108 Surya Namaskars with different variations for people with different health needs; all the way up to 108 Chair Surya Namaskars by seniors would be performed in these yagna.
We Prevent news from Happening
As Patanjali says - ‘heyam dukham anagatam’ — yoga helps prevent social disharmony and unrest leading to abuse, divorce, crimes, and drug addictions. Yoga is a panacea in establishing social order.

Annual Report 2019
Our Motto — transform the world, one individual at a time. Yoga Bharati is a holistic, evidence based, open system of yoga. We borrow from the ancient Hindu classical yoga texts in bringing holistic yoga to the society.
We have contributed in the following fields:
Summit Estate - A Drug Rehabilitation Center
Blind and Community Centers
Corporate Sectors
Yoga Therapy and and Stress Management
Stop Diabetes Movement
Teacher Training
Temples, Schools, and Colleges
Outreach - Sevathon, Yoga Yagna (Yogathon), International Day of Yoga and health fairs
Yoga Excellence and Enrichment

Childrens Summer Camp 2019 - a Report
We had a wonderful summer camp 1 for Cupertino Area last week. As we always do, we had variety of programs including yogasana, games, yoga art, stories, yama/niyama, water conservation workshop, and chanting Sanskrit shlokas and mantras. Our youth teachers Vivek, Shloka, and Aditya brought a huge spirit of encouragement for children. Along with them we had 7 adult teachers and volunteers conducting the camp. See the report with the headings as below when you click on the report.

Field Trip to Goshala with kids and adults 2019
Our kids experienced a a serene and wonderful way to celebrate International Day of Yoga at the Goshala, Milpitas, CA. Energy, vibrations and views all come together at the 80 plus acres land on the hills.
Goshala is a shelter for protecting and taking care of cows. A bit about Cows.
Cows at Goshala are given several names of Krishna and the birth significance, such as Nandini, Gopala, Ekadashi, Manasi, Brahma and more. Kids learnt about cow being Gomata, like our mother who is so important to our ecosystem. Field trip co ordinator explained the benefits of cows, uses of the products that cow gives. Milk and milk products are staple for many of us, cows urine is researched quite a bit and used as a medicine, cow dung is used as manure and fertilizer. Co ordinator mentioned a very important fact, “if you have a cow and a piece of land you can live happily as that is all you need!” Cow gives milk and fertilizer for the land to grow grains, vegetables and fruits and eats grass.

Kids Spring Yoga Camp 2019
Yoga Bharati Spring kids camp in San Jose, CA was a huge success. Kids learnt a lot and shared their learning experience with us. Yoga practices included:
Breath cleansing practices
Deepa Relaxation
Om Meditation techniques
Apart from this, we did mantra chanting, games, and much more.

Annual Report 2018
Yoga Bharati Bay Area Chapter had a successful 2018 with achievements in helping the community in different arenas.
We have contributed in the following fields:
Hospital - We conducted free yoga workshop for Kaiser Permanante medical staff including doctors at the Kaiser hospitals this year.
Drug Rehabilitation Center - We have been offering yoga service to Summit Center - a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for over 2 years.
Blind and Community Centers - We give free Yoga at Santa Clara Valley Blind Center and Santa Clara Public Health Dept
Seniors , Kids, Corporate Sectors, etc....
Read the report to know more.

Winter Yoga Yagna 2018 - A Report
This year’s Winter Yagna was conducted from Jan 1st to Feb 3rd. Feb 3rd, Saturday was a day for yet another year of Yoga Yajna conclusion (formerly Suryanamaskar yajna) at Yoga Bharati. This year yoga yajna had to offer much more than the inauguration and the closing events. Yoga Bharati also offered and supported daily practices for the participants by three weeks of free practices of protocol.
Yoga Bharati has conducted population studies with yogic parameters to show the effectiveness of Yoga, mainly suryanamaskars and Om chanting. Starting of the year with a physical and mindfulness discipline for the body and mind brings in health and happiness in individuals and families.

Annual Report 2017
We are proud to claim fifteen years of bringing authentic yoga, ancient wisdom and modern research. As a volunteer-managed global community, we work to foster yoga with its therapeutic applications and life transforming effects. We bring yoga classes for general wellness, yoga teacher training courses for students who want to teach yoga, and yoga therapy to heal those with chronic ailments.
Trained over 400 yoga teachers just in the Bay Area alone.
Over 5000 class-hours of FREE or affordable yoga sessions to the community each year,
Special affordable yoga classes for kids, seniors, stress management and yoga as therapy.
Over nine locations where yoga is taught regularly just in the Bay Area
Yoga offering to Corporate sectors by our volunteers