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N San Jose (near Milpitas)

Kids Classes in N. San Jose (Milpitas) Area

Classes are held at Lundy Plaza, 2050, Concourse drive, Ste #38 San Jose

Duration: Usually Sept - Dec for Fall semester and Jan-May in Winter/spring semester.

a. Yoga for Kids (ages 6 - 11) TBD

b. Yoga for Teens (ages 11+) TBD

Fees: check with us.

(Classes are 60 mins long. Minimum 5 enrollments needed to start the classes)

  • Step 1 - Register using the sign up tab below (only if classes are on)

  • Step 2 - Make the payment using the Pay Now tab below (only if classes are on). If you cannot pay for any reason, please write to us for financial assistance..

Note: Please call us or email us at to confirm that spots are still available BEFORE you complete the above mentioned steps.

June 5

S. San Jose (Evergreen) Area