
Yogathon 2024 - Feasibility Study of the Effect of Surya Namaskars

A 21-day Feasibility Study of the Effect of Surya Namaskars on various public concerns, metabolic health, cardiovascular health, pain management, and mental health was conducted in January 2024. The Study began on January 13th,  with over 500+ people receiving the study details, 300 considered to begin, and 100+ got on board and started their journey. February 2nd, the study concluded, and the participants were provided with the online post-study form. 

Yoga Bharati provided 57 free yoga classes over 21 days with 20 volunteer yoga teachers and therapists. This was a nonfunded study with at least 300 + combined volunteer hours. 

While many participants have verbally given feedback about their flexibility, weight, and mental health, the study data is yet to be systematically analyzed and will be shared soon. Please stay tuned; the results will be shared on this page soon.