The Gun Shot

The Gun Shot

As I prepared my ammo and took that first shot, it was as if the bullet pierced my own heart and then reached the target. I felt like the bullet was cutting through my heart. Was it the recoil? Was it my psyche? I had no idea. I also did not know where the bullet hit. Since there were already holes, I did not know if my shot even hit the paper target at all. But the most fascinating part was that I did not feel scared, nor was I thrilled.  It was a moment where only the moment remained. It was as if I got a mortal blow to my heart, and yet it felt nothing. It felt timeless at that one point in time, and that timelessness seemed eternal. The yogic idea of Bindu (Bindu-nada-Kala) was coming alive.  It was like entering a black hole. …..